Formel 1 – Back on track!
Back on track! GULF is back in the Champions League of racing – the Formula 1. This season, the GULF colours can be seen on the McLaren racing team…
Back on track! GULF is back in the Champions League of racing – the Formula 1. This season, the GULF colours can be seen on the McLaren racing team…
GULF ist mit McLaren zurück in der Champions League des Rennsports – der Formel 1. In dieser Saison sind die GULF-Farben auf dem Boliden des McLaren-Rennstalls zu sehen und leuchten…
Summer, sun, sunshine – and sun protection! The sunlenses of filter category 3 (Cat 3) in your GULF-Eyewear sunglasses protect you from harmful ultraviolet rays (UV 400). 100% of…
Sommer, Sonne, Sonnenschein – und Sonnenschutz! Die Sonnenbrillengläser Filterkategorie 3 (Cat 3) Ihrer GULF-Eyewear Sonnenbrille schützen Sie optimal vor schädlichen ultravioletten Strahlen (UV 400). 100% aller schädlichen UVA-, UVB-, UVC-…
An optician recently told us that he glazed GULF-Eyewear sunglasses with prescription lenses for his customers – without any sun protection filter. A very good idea! We think that Lorenzo,…