Why are there no polarized sunlenses in the GULF-Eyewear collection?
This is a question that customer ask us here and there.
The reason are digital car dashboards that are nowadays built in modern cars and which use TFT displays. One of the effects of these dashboards is that when using polarized sunlenses, such a display cannot be read properly. Depending on the angle of view, there will be shades, distortions and moiré effects or even the complete blackout of the display. The cause for this is the overlap of the linear filter in the sunlens with the pixel structure of the TFT display. We are afraid that in the foreseeable future the use of polarized lenses behind the wheel will be restricted. This is why GULF-Eyewear sunglasses are not equipped with polarized sunlenses.
At the same time, we are working on a permanent development in this area and we are using our expertise in close cooperation with wellknown lens manufacturers. The target is the development of even more comfortable sunlenses which support our slogan “suitable for driving“. The limited GULF-Eyewear sunglasses are – including their sunlenses – optimized for the use behind the wheel. The temples of our frames are made for a trouble-free put on and off the face – for example when entering or leaving tunnels. The multi-layer antireflection coating on the inside of the lenses eliminates unpleasant mirror effects. Spring hinges of high quality guarantee comfort, stability and perfect fitting.
The exclusive GULF-Eyewear collection does not only convince drivers ion their cars with its performance. They are a desirable lifestyle product!